Effects of High Blood Pressure on the Body

There are several effects of high blood pressure on the body.


The first effect is that it can damage your arteries. When your arteries are healthy, they are going to be strong and flexible. The inner lining of the arteries are going to be smooth so that the blood is going to flow through the body better. This is what is going to supply the vital organs and tissues with all of the nutrients and oxygen that they need. But when you have high blood pressure, the blood is not going to be able to flow properly through the arteries. This means that you could have articles that are more narrow or an aneurysm. When you have narrow arteries, then all of the fats that you eat on a regular basis are going to collect inside of the arteries. This is going to cause the arteries to become less elastic so it limits the blood flowing through the body. When you have an aneurysm, it can rupture and internal bleeding that could be life threatening.


The second effect is that it can damage your heart. There are a few things high blood pressure is going to do to your heart. The first thing is that it can give your coronary artery disease. This is because the narrow arteries are not going to be able to supply the blood to the heart. Therefore, you are going to experience chest pain, a heart attack, or irregular heart rhythms. The second thing is an enlarged left heart. This is because your heart is going to have to work harder in order to pump the blood to the rest of the body. This part of your heart is going to become thicker, which is going to increase your risk of having heart failure, a heart attack, or sudden cardiac death. The third thing is heart failure. The high blood pressure is going to cause a strain on your heart so the muscles inside of the heart will become weaker over time. This means that they are not going to be able to work as efficiently anymore. This is when your heart will become overwhelmed and begin to fail.


The third effect is that it is going to damage your brain. The brain is going to depend on the supply of blood in order to work properly. This means that you are going to experience a lot of different problems when high blood pressure affects the brain. The first problem is a transient ischemic attack. This is also known as a ministroke because blood clots or hardened arteries, This is the first sign that there is a chance that you might have a stroke. The second problem is a stroke. This is when the brain is not getting the nutrients and oxygen that it needs so cells inside of the brain are going to die. The third problem is dementia. This can happen because the blood is not flowing properly to the brain or a stroke. The third problem is mild cognitive development. This is when there are going to be changes in memory and understanding as a person gets old. But it is also be caused when a person is suffering from dementia.


The fourth effect is that it can damage a person’s kidneys. The main job of the kidneys is to filter out the excess fluid and waste inside of your blood so you are going to need healthy blood vessels in order for this to happen. When you have high blood pressure, the blood vessels are going to be damaged, so kidneys will also be damaged. You might have some scarring on your kidneys. This is when the blood vessels are going to be scarred so they are going to be able to filter the fluid and waste from the body. Kidney failure is also a possibility because the fluid and waste is going to be able to accumulate inside of the kidneys. This is when you might have to have a kidney transplant or dialysis.


The fifth effect is that it can damage your eyes. This is because the high blood pressure damages the tiny blood vessels that supply the blood to the eyes. You will experience damage to your retina. This means that your eyes might start to bleed, complete loss of vision, or blurred vision. You can have a buildup of fluid under the retina. This is when your vision will be distorted and it can impair your vision. The worse thing is when the nerves in the eye are damaged. This is because the optic nerves will become damaged and your eyes will be bleeding or you could completely lose your vision.

These are the top five effects of high blood pressure.

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